Monday, October 27, 2008

My, my, I could never let you go.

Today has not been a good day. I've had many things that were suppose to go well, go terribly wrong, and it's really disappointing. Even going to the gym wasn't as satisfying as it usually is. I increased my workout, and I didn't even break a sweat. My mom got really mad at me for dropping bio, and I tried to explain to her that it's better if I withdraw from a course than failing it, and she's still pissed. Sigh. Whatever.

But now I'm Skyping Rae, Kees, and Jenny, which is kind of nice, since I haven't talked to them in a bit. By 'talked to them', I mean haven't skyped them. Slash I haven't talked to Jenny since June. So that was pleasant.

Things better get better soon. Or I will not pleased.

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