Friday, November 21, 2008

I'm never leaving C-Section ever again. Not even kidding. Never leaving. Sorry.

Funny story though. Because we're still detox, even if we're 18, we can't have booze here. So the guys across the hall have E over, and they're drinking and playing video games. And N comes down, and so we start distracting him so the boys can hide their booze. They don't get the hint. So N walks into their room, sees a 24 of Boxer, and says "Wow, you guys are fucked" and then he sees a mini keg of Heineken, and says "Wow, you guys are so, SO fucked". Then he made them dump it all and wrote them up. He said his heart broke a little inside as he watched them do this. And they JUST bought this shit. I laughed so hard. Oh, those boys are dumb sometimes =)

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