Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I really shouldn't miss you, but I can't let you go.

The new Kelly Clarkson single rocks. Seriously, you should all go listen to it.

Today was Mesa's surgery. We spent six hours in the hospital, chilling, waiting for all of it to happen and be over. We sang to her, and asked the nurses questions about the hospital and why it didn't look like Seattle Grace in Grey's, and where McDreamy was. And we brought food to the waiting room of the surgery, where everyone there hadn't eaten since midnight the night before, and we felt kind of bitchy, but it was funny.
We went to Wal-Mart after, and bought posters to decorate our room with. We got Edward from Twilight, and three Jonas Brothers posters, ahahaha. It looks sweet. Carole's here again too, which is nice. I like her.
I also dyed Cathie's hair. She hates it, but the rest of us thinks it looks really good. Some breast friend she is.

Anyway, today's been an okay day, I suppose. I don't know. We'll see how it ends. I think I'm gonna go to bed soon, but I'm going to read my english first, and then watch some Heroes or Grey's or something. Whatevs.

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