Monday, December 1, 2008

You found all the words you need, well, I found nothing

It's snowing. Which, in Lethbridge, means wet snow. But it's snowing none the less.

The woman next to me in choir today was wearing combat boots. I was thoroughly impressed, because she's about my mom's age. It was cool.

I think it's one of the most depressing things to be performing, and looking out into a crowd where you don't recognize a single face. For cereal, it sucks. So, if you are in Lethbridge tomorrow, and not doing anything at 8pm, come to the Southminister church (4th Ave, just a right off Stafford =) ), and watch a lovely performance. It's actually a good one. I can give you reasons why you should come too.
1. It would make me incredibly happy.
2. I will owe you something afterward. You pick, I'll do it (with some exceptions)
3. The woman who stands in front of me looks like a frog. And she acts like one too. It's hilarious.
4. You have nothing better to do =P
And, if none of those are good enough for you, I have saved the best for last. The number five reason why you should come is because our solo bassist looks AND sounds like Sean Connery. Not even kidding. And if that isn't good enough to sell you to come, I don't know what is. It's like seeing Sean Connery himself perform in my choir.
See how desperate I am? Pretty please, come? Someone?

I had something else I was going to say, but the thought has escaped me. Oh well. It'll come to me at some point.
EDIT: What I was going to say was that another good thing about today is that it's the first of December, which means that it's the first day of advent calendars!! Yay!!

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