Sunday, September 14, 2008

Don't Lose Touch

Next weekend, I expect all of you to be in the Bridge to enjoy an exciting weekend of drink-offs, and beer pong tournaments.
DO IT. =)

I like not living in this city anymore. I won't lie. It's nice to come home and visit, see everyone I've missed and spend time with those I haven't seen in a really long time. But it's the nicest feeling to not feel obliged to see people, or spend a lot of time with them. I mean that in the nicest way. It also makes me see things I never noticed before about people, or have a sentiment be re-sparked after having the chance to forget about it for so long. Some people are already just so still stuck in the way they were in high school, and maybe they'll be that way forever. Others have already drastically grown up. It's quite a sight to see, actually.

Basically though, I miss everyone. I'm glad I got to see a fair amount of people over the last couple days, and for those who I haven't seen at all since I've been away: I better fucking see you soon.

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