Thursday, June 19, 2008

This would be easier if I had a new laptop.

As Rae, Elliot, and other individuals are doing, I'm joining the 101 Things in 1001 Days. (For more info, click the picture. It's a link!) Anyway, so I've started mine, and I used the same categories to divide it as Rae did, because I found that it was easier.
Point of the story: I'll have a new blog for it. It's 101 in 1001: Because I Can't Do it in a Year. I'm scheduling it to start on July 1, 2008, and it'll end on March 29, 2011. You guys can look at it, if you want, and harass me on updating it, if you enjoy it that much. The list is on there as well.
That is all.
Night, lovebugs! I have to go study now.

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